Now, I am aware that this may not be how other year in reviews go, but when I look back at a year, I take stock in only the things I had control over. And based upon the things that matter to me that I had control over this year has been a pretty good year…
I kept on writing (70+ posts and counting), I embraced podcasting both behind the scenes on a number of shows, as well as, on Mic with the 46 episodes of my Proxycast. I watched movies and I read books, I played games, and I even traveled to Michigan to meet up with my friends and to meet my new girlfriend for the first time…
Now before I get into it all, let me say a few things about what I couldn’t control and it will be brief.
I can’t speak much to the election. I did vote but spent a good portion of election night either reading or watching classic television like M.A.S.H. and Hogan’s Heroes, which having typed them out, I hope those aren’t a sign of things to come…
I was also saddened by so many legends leaving us. The 2016 in memoriam lists read like a who’s who. Florence Henderson, Ron Glass, Leonard Cohen, Arnold Palmer, Gene Wilder, John McLaughlin, Kenny Baker, John Saunders, Gary Marshall, Elie Wiesel, Muhammad Ali, Gordie Howe, Prince, Merle Haggard, Garry Shandling, Glenn Frey, Abe Vigoda, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, John Glenn, George Michael, and Carrie Fisher.
So, let me lighten things up by going a little more in depth into my sphere of influence, which is where I’m going from here on in so if you want something broader stop reading…
I truly believe that before you can look ahead, you should always look back. Learn from your own personal history; successes and failures, so that you needn’t repeat the mistakes of your past.
This year Agent Palmer turned five (and Agent 76 Bill Sweeney interrogated in honor of it.) . Yes, I’ve been writing this blog and having the Agent Palmer persona, for five years with more than 350 posts and counting to my credit. That’s an achievement in itself, as when I started out, I had no idea how long it would last or what would come of it.
Besides the five year anniversary, counting guest posts, I now have over 365 posts which because I like significant numbers means from here on out, at one a day, it’ll take longer than a year to read every post… Oh, and to up the difficulty, I keep writing more! This was supposed to be a weekly blog, and maybe in 2017, I will get back to that, but it’s not likely. I always add in posts here and there, but I’m alright with that, and I hope you are too.
This year I was lucky enough to recruit two new Agents to the roster; Agent TBD (Edward O’Hare) and Agent 76 (Bill Sweeney), both from The Wicked Theory Podcast. I’m also in talks with a few more, so the roster could continue to grow with some potential new recruits in 2017.
I’ve also added two more editors to the stable of people willing to help me behind the scenes. Joining Agent Parker, is the previously mentioned Agent 76 and Stef “SAMMY” Muniz, who I’m still in talks with for full Agent status, but more on her later.
2016 also marks the second consecutive year, since I’ve made it a goal, that I’ve read at least one book a month! And that’s important to me, not just because it’s a goal, but it’s what I’m reading. Fiction, non-fiction, all of the books that I read can help me to become a better writer and storyteller, as well as learn things so it’s more than just mindlessly turning the pages, at least to me.
Outside of the written realm, there have been quite a few audio projects I’ve immersed myself in. I’ve more than 2,000 Clammr clips and counting, the Proxycast is moving towards 60 episodes, and I’ve become much more involved with a number of shows either producing or just helping behind the scenes, because it’s great to work creatively with your friends.
One such project was the second PodtoberFest, which involved not only the behind the scenes prep, but a 12 hour trek across a few states with co-pilot Bill Sweeney to produce the show in studio and occasionally say a few words on mic. But that wasn’t the first time I had spent any time with Bill in person. Earlier in the year “Something Wicked This Way Comes” occurred with Bill, Bob, and Ed; showing up and bringing The Wicked Theory Podcast to me! Check that out, it’s really fun.
Now, back to PodtoberFest and that trip to Michigan. Yes, it was great to finally meet Grant, Beth, Ginger, Dave, Paula, and Doug, but meeting Stef was more of a pleasure. Because, aside from just being a friend, we started the long distance dating thing about a month before PodtoberFest, so in truth, I finally was able to meet my girlfriend. And because we had extra days in Michigan after the event, we even had the opportunity to go on a real date.
So you see, I’m being as productive as ever, I have the support of friends and a girlfriend, who despite being a continent away, is the best person I could have ever hoped to be in a relationship with. All things considered, I would say 2016 was a great year. And I’m hoping next year only gets better as I build on the successes of this year.