When it comes to “geek spaces” none is more personal than the screens we toil away on, whether for profession, profit, or passion.
My professional office has four screens, while my home office has three, which has enabled me to multitask more than I ever expected. But I do not fill each screen all the time.
And while many of you may only have a single screen, I’ll bet it is customized, at least your personal one and your professional one if you’re allowed.
Now, before I get into my selections for you, let me say two things. One, these are all attributes pieces of art from the DeviantArt community. I do have non-attributed wallpapers, but I didn’t include them, because I enjoy giving credit where credit is due. And secondly, the screen which I am not using I like to think of as a blank canvas that I can color as I wish. In fact, if I could get those personal sensing art screens from Antitrust, I would hang them everywhere.
Now, most of these selections have one thing in common and that is that they are mostly minimalist representations of things that either I enjoy or that inspire me.
Not all of the artists have a large catalog for you to choose from but most do, so just know that where your tastes differ from mine, you can probably find something else. Also, while I did choose multiple selections from a few to get to a round number like 50, I did attempt to vary the selections, though Marvel, Nintendo, Iron Man, Star Wars, Futurama, and fictional companies make multiple appearances.
Lastly, why 50? Because I have my setups rotating through a folder every few minutes to change up the screens, which changes up the colors, characters, and settings in my peripheral vision while working on longer projects or while being on long phone calls or video meetings.
Who among us doesn’t like a glimpse of inspiration from time to time?
1. Zoidberg by DragoniteArmy
2. Iron Man by DragoniteArmy
3. Vyse from Skies of Arcadia by Oldhat 104
4. Tom Nook from Animal Crossing by Oldhat 104
5. Tetra by Oldhat 104
6. Deadpool by Reverendtundra
7. Rey by Reverendtundra
8. Jessica Jones by Reverendtundra
9. Thundercats by TPBarratt
10. Iron Man by Havi93
11. Orko by benOwar88
12. Minimalist Astronaut by Ahandgesture
13. Iron Man by Mirigiry
14. BB-8 by BrulesCorrupted
15. Dr. Mario by BrulesCorrupted
16. Deadpool by DamionMauville
17. Avengers A by MughalRox
18. Iron Man by Jvbuenconcejo
19. Deadpool by MalowsDrawing
20. Zoidberg by Krukmeister
21. Iron Man by Zabelon
22. Jurassic Park by Kalangozilla
23. Eye of Thundera by Kalangozilla
24. Retro S.H.I.E.L.D. Logo by Kalangozilla
25. Magic: the Gathering by The-nightraven
26. Captain America: The Winter Soldier by Skauff99
27. Nick Fury (from the Age of Ultron Series) by Skauff99
28. Stark Industries by TheInfamouseTheft
29. Stark Industries by Squiddytron
30. Iron Man by Paullus23
31. “Suite Up” bu Paullus23
32. Battlestar Galactica by SKoriginals
33. Jurassic Park by DsKoRn
34. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Windfall Island Night by Kevichan
35. Jakku by Kevichan
36. Wind Waker Link by Cheetashock
37. Jurassic World by Sonichedgehog2
38. Stellar Nursery by Starkiteckt
39. The Bench by Yellowmarsh
40. Zorg Industries by Steelgohst
41. JARVIS by Edreyes
42. Iron Man mark 42 by Moonunderwater
43. “Some Kisses draw near…” by Octoyaki
44. Kylo Ren by Novemberreaper
45. Divided Allegiance by Swmand4
46. Avengers by LiquidSky64
47. <geek /> by Baddie
48. Scrooge by Xagnel95
49. Autobots by Derekavenidogbutin
50. Iron Man 3 by Browniehooves
There are plenty of other options to choose from, these are just some of the pieces that have found their way into my rotation. As I’ve said before in my Small Oddities series, there’s a lot of talent in the DeviantArt Community, you just have to look.