Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Parallels of ‘Black Panther’ power second season of ‘Luke Cage’

What Luke Cage Season Two and Black Panther Have in Common

A Special Report from Agent Parker.

If you’re the type of Marvel fanatic who loved the realistic approach creators took to humanize the villain Killmonger in this year’s “Black Panther” film, you’re sure to see some parallels in the second season of “Luke Cage.”

All of Power Man’s second season episodes became available on Netflix on June 22, and thanks to the power of paid time off, I was actually able to finish the series within a week.

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Spoiler Free Review

Avengers Infinity War Spoiler Free Review Ten Years of Marvel

#ThanosDemandsYourSilence and the MCU Demands Your Respect with Avengers: Infinity War (No Spoilers)

Ignoring the plot (because “Thanos Demands Your Silence” and I, for one, do not intend to stand against Thanos), Avengers: Infinity War could be a bit jarring as it jumps between clusters of heroes almost at will, just like comics books tend to do during large crossover events. Of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe that has been building towards this singular point in time, this is perhaps the most faithful adaptation of panel to screen, despite borrowing plotlines from several…

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Spoiler Free Review

The Coldest Winter Review

A Spoiler Free Review of The Coldest Winter by Antony Johnston

It’s not often that a prequel can outshine the original, but such is the case with The Coldest Winter, where Antony Johnston weaves a tale even more gripping than the one he told in The Coldest City. Also set in Berlin, yet taking place eight years prior to the events of City, The Coldest Winter finds us in the midst of the Cold War with a more complex and thrilling spy noir story. The back cover reads; “After a string…

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