Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Late to the Party? No Worries? There’s plenty of parties! (An Agent Palmer Rant)

Recently I watched The Matrix for the first time. Yes, in 2019 I watched 1999’s The Matrix for the first time. Twenty years is a long time to be late to the party on something but I shouldn’t be vilified for not being a part of it, I should be welcomed to the party.

As I write this, I don’t know what the reaction will be, because I sat down with Bill on The Wicked Theory Podcast to discuss my first reactions to this twenty-year-old film, and that episode has not yet dropped.

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Graham Marsh’s Michael Caine: 1960s is one of the most stylish books you’ll see

Michael Caine 1960s Graham Marsh Book Review

Edith Head famously said, “You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.” Well, then Michael Caine was destined for success. In this book, Michael Caine: 1960s by Graham Marsh, the style of the era and of the man coincide with some of the most classic photo representations of the swingin’ sixties.

Now, there aren’t a lot of words in this book, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a lot to say. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this book is longer than Moby Dick!

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Agent Palmer’s Thoughts on Destination Wedding or This Post Can’t Be Ignored Because Then the Entire Internet Would End

Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding is an interesting and superbly written film. Written and directed by Victor Levin, this film is more than the sum of its main title Destination Wedding, but it’s “unofficial title” says a lot more about where it’s at, “Destination Wedding or A Narcissist Can’t Die Because Then the Entire World Would End.”

It stars Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves who are both fantastic, but it’s the script that speaks to me in the most incredible way.

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Nineteen 2019 Movies that Agent Palmer is Looking Forward to and some others, too…

19 Movies to Watch in 2019

As movies go, every year seems to be about the same. There are great movies, those that fall short, those that surpass expectations, those that are bombs, and those that go under the radar. It’s not easy to figure out which is going to be which.

Sure, we know the ones that will do big at the box office, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be good or live up to their elevated expectations. That being said, here is my list of the 19 movies I am personally most looking forward to seeing in the theater during 2019.

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