Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Red Sparrow dares go where Marvel’s Black Widow Probably Should

Red Sparrow film review

Red Sparrow is a great addition to the world of cinematic spy fiction. And yet, because the film is so good and so close to the origins of Marvel’s Black Widow, it’s hard to see this as anything more than Marvel being painted into a corner.

But before I get too far into the weeds on that, let me first talk about the film on its own, based upon a novel of the same name by Jason Matthews which I haven’t yet read.

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Blow-Up: Nothing like a little disaster for sorting things out.

Blow-Up 1966 Michelangelo Antonioni

1966’s Blow-Up is the pinnacle of avant-garde filmmaking in the pop art, swinging sixties directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.

Not only is it the story of a mod London photographer who finds something beautiful and sinister in the photographs he has taken of a mysterious beauty in the park, but it is the perspective of the swinging sixties through that photographer’s eyes, as well.

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Spoiler Free Review

Avengers Infinity War Spoiler Free Review Ten Years of Marvel

#ThanosDemandsYourSilence and the MCU Demands Your Respect with Avengers: Infinity War (No Spoilers)

Ignoring the plot (because “Thanos Demands Your Silence” and I, for one, do not intend to stand against Thanos), Avengers: Infinity War could be a bit jarring as it jumps between clusters of heroes almost at will, just like comics books tend to do during large crossover events. Of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe that has been building towards this singular point in time, this is perhaps the most faithful adaptation of panel to screen, despite borrowing plotlines from several…

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Netflix’s Mercury 13 is A Wonderful Look At the Women Who Almost Became America’s First in Space

Netflix’s Mercury 13 is A Wonderful Look At the Women Who Almost Became America’s First in Space

“Most harmful behavior is based in fear. Protecting one’s perceived position in society, protecting one’s territory, or one’s physical well-being. But progress is inevitable.”

That’s the opening quote from Netflix’s original documentary on 13 women known as “Mercury 13” who could have become America’s first women in space. But at that time it wasn’t meant to be, and that’s the compelling part of the story.

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