Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

18 Movies Coming to Theaters in 2018

18 Movies Coming to Theaters in 2018

This could very well be the same list you’ve read a hundred times since the beginning of the year. Do I apologize for this? I do not. This is a geek blog and most of these movies are geek movies, it just so happens that geek has moved into and maintained its place within the mainstream.

That being said, this is my list of the 18 movies I’m most looking forward to in 2018. Enjoy, and pass the popcorn.

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A List of the Top Tangentially Holiday Movies

A List of the Top Tangentially Holiday Movies

Some call them non-traditional Christmas movies, but I prefer to call them, as the title says tangentially holiday Movies. I’ve also heard them called non-Christmas Christmas movies. Potato potahto…

All of these Movies have at least a passing mention of the holiday season, but are not centered around that fact.

So, for the Scrooge’s out there… This is a list where you could argue a Christmasaholic into watching, and I think you should, especially if they make you sit through hallmark holiday movies.

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Don’t Pass on MoviePass

Do Not Pass on MoviePass

MoviePass is currently a $9.95 per month movie ticket subscription service started by the co-founder of Netflix. Even though I consider myself a gadget guy, I am not the guy who will pay hundreds of dollars for the first-of-a-kind product like when CD players, Blu-ray players, or the Roomba debuted.

Even though I love Apple, I have never bought a first-generation Apple product. I tend to avoid new products unless they have amazing ratings from customers I know well or I have seen them in operation. Partially, I avoid these purchases because buying them is essentially gambling.

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Five Reasons Agent Winchester Loves Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman The Secret Service

I love Kingsman: The Secret Service a lot. According to the Panel to Screen extra on the Blu-ray, the movie is a “postmodern love letter to spy movies.” Director Matthew Vaughn felt that spy movies have become too serious and no longer fun, and this movie is the result.

Hollywood talent agrees as well. Keep in mind the A-list actors who are in this: Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Caine, and Mark Hamill.

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