Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Coffee Declassified

22 Coffee Scenes from the Big Screen

22 Coffee Scenes from the Big Screen

Though presuming isn’t the best thing to do, I still have a presumption that coffee makes its way into film because the writing process and production of movies is fueled by the mystical murky beverage.

Therefore, I have compiled a list of some of the more memorable scenes in cinematic history featuring coffee, so brew a pot and enjoy.

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WarGames 2: The Dead Code pays fitting homage to stellar original film

WarGames 2: The Dead Code

I have a reverence for WarGames. It is one of my favorite movies of all time, and while I hold it in a sort of sacred category among movies, that does not mean that the direct-to-video sequel WarGames 2: The Dead Code is unbearable to me as it evidently has been to others.

I enjoy the film for what it is: a sequel for another time with a respectful honoring of the original. Is it the greatest film? No. Is it an decent popcorn film? Perhaps for some, but for me it is enjoyable; no more and no less.

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