Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Marvel deserves a commendation for “balance” within Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 has Balance

This is not a review, nor a critique, it’s just a commendation of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for one thing; balance. It was a good and fun film. It’s what we expect from Marvel. They have a standard so high that even if they did fall short, it would still be a good movie.

But what struck me most about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was the attention to balance. It’s not something that I thought about during the first film, but with Groot and Gamora seemingly adding members to the team at will, the balance of screen time and story is amazingly solid.

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Nine Innings with Bull Durham

Nine Innings with Bull Durham

Bull Durham is one of my favorite sports movies. The dialog is almost as punchy as some of the characters, and it really does grasp the spirit of minor league baseball. There exist three types of players in the minors: talent working towards the majors, veterans just hanging on, and solid baseball guys that just enjoy playing the game but don’t have much hope of getting called up any higher. This game, though it focuses on the first two, really…

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From Ted “Theodore” Logan to John Wick: Keanu Reeves has been Consistently Good

Keanu Reeves seems to split movie fans more than any other actor I know. I recently heard two people in my life that have never met say to me that he is “not a good actor” like a judge, jury, and executioner. And to me, two people is too many, though I believe there are usually no rules for how people feel about movies or actors, I usually let the hot air blown at me pass by and disappear.

Most times an actor is criticized this way, there is a lot of evidence to back it up. When people say it about Reeves, I don’t get the impression they put their full mind behind the statement.

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Rock & Rule: The Cult Classic That Never Really Was

Rock & Rule Movie

There was a time, not that long ago, where aiming an animated movie at an older audience was quite the gamble. This time also overlaps with the period where Disney was still the king of animation for feature length cartoons and everyone else was lucky to even be mentioned…

Not everything is destined to be a hit or even lucky enough to get “cult classic” status. Ralph Bakshi, who I’ve written a lot about, has made a career of smaller independent cartoons targeted at older audiences that all have gained cult status.

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Antitrust still presents Argument that is Anything but Binary

Antitrust still presents Argument that is Anything but Binary

There is something equally timeless and out of date about the 2001 film “Antitrust.” Despite this or because of it, the thriller is still interesting to watch and enjoy.

As the fictional tech billionaire in the film, Gary Winston loves to say that things are binary, and this film fits that description. Sure, it is fiction, but at its core there is a discussion that takes place all the time under the surface: when it comes to software, you’re either open source or you’re not.

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