Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Aunt Beru Sings! How Bonnie Piesse endured to launch her debut album Bittersweet EP

This is a story of the release of Bonnie Piesse’s Bittersweet EP, her debut album and a good one at that. But you can’t talk about the music without talking about Bonnie’s perseverance to get the Bittersweet EP made.

The story of this EP is a phoenix rising from the ashes, only this time the phoenix is a talented singer/songwriter, who also happens to be the actress who played young Aunt Beru in the Star Wars Prequels.

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Agent Palmer’s Top Ten Must Own Movie Soundtracks

Top Ten Must Own Movie Soundtracks

Movies are for entertainment. Music is for entertainment. Even with today’s portable technology, you will get the most out of a movie, by sitting down and watching it. By that same standard, today’s technology allows us to take our music with us everywhere we go.

Movie soundtracks, allow us to listen to great playlists created by movie directors that we can take with us and listen to. They represent the original mixed tapes.

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Guns ‘N Roses Concert Mayhem – A Plague?

I’m a fan of Gun ‘N Roses. I love the old stuff, I love the solo stuff and I like and love some of the new stuff. So the other day when I was listening to Duff McKagan’s Loaded album Episode 1999: Live,

I noticed something peculiar, albeit completely understandable considering the facts.

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