Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Chinese Democracy: In Both Defense and Explanation of Guns N’ Roses’ Musical Growth

Chinese Democracy Guns N' Roses 2008 Album

For rock fans in Generation X and in between GenX and Millenials (of which I fall into), it was a punchline.

Chinese Democracy was the album that was never ever going to be released, until one day in November 2008, the 23rd to be exact, there it was: The long awaited Guns N’ Roses album that no one ever thought would be heard by anyone other than the reclusive Axl Rose, who was behind the machinations of the delays and the album’s eventual release.

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The A to Z Files

Eclectic Taste: An A to Z List from Agent Carter

Eclectic Taste: An A to Z List from Agent Carter

The process of creating this list was just as difficult as some of the other lists I have created in the past. Certain letters came to me right away, while others required a bit of research and a process of elimination. I could easily have two A to Z lists to present to you all.

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“Rocks” by Joe Perry is a Great Memoir from One of the Greatest Guitarist

Rocks by Joe Perry is a Great Memoir from One of the Greatest Guitarist

Sure, I just reread the Aerosmith Autobiography, so why am I reading another book that basically tells the same story? Well, it’s because it’s a great story, one worth covering from multiple angles. Also, I wanted to know more about what happened during The Joe Perry Project years AND a little more about what happened after that first band autobiography ended which was around the Nine Lives recording…

But I wasn’t prepared for the amazing musical momentum within Joe Fucking Perry.

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The A to Z Files

Agent Hunt's British Isles A to Zed Playlist

Agent Hunt’s Collaborated British Isles A to Z Playlist

Disclaimer: This playlist is not necessarily the best that the British Isles has to offer. Rather it’s an A to Z of great songs by bands that I like listening to. Some are many decades old, while others are relative youngsters. Although this was curated with a certain audience in mind; it contains a degree of autobiography as it’s impossible not to link music to life events and moments in time. This playlist was also a collaborative effort, in places, so credit to my wife for some noted contributions.

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Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith is The Definitive Story of The Definitive Rock Band Told In Their Own Words.

Walk This Way The Autobiography of Aerosmith

I know the story of Aerosmith. I’ve read the articles, seen the videos, and listened to the interviews. Heck I even read this book, back in junior high on a technicality because the teacher said Arrowsmith, but I read this instead.

But rereading this book again, I have a new appreciation for their story, their struggle, and their triumph. I also found myself in awe of the formatting of this “autobiography” about the band.

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