Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

From Podcast to Friendship in Less Than a Year with the Podcasters of 7 Days A Geek

7 Days A Geek

In the scheme of things, listening to a podcast is a fairly passive thing. You hit play and listen, but there exists a few, like me, active listeners. And while most social media is akin to screaming into a void, sometimes actual connections can occur.

In the case of the two main hosts from 7 Days A Geek; The Angry Ginger and TK1, or as I now call them Ginger and Grant, being an active listener and tweeting with them has, with the help of a “bold experiment,” turned us into friends, and there are others in the group that have become a family of sorts.

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Agent Palmer joins Our Liner Notes to Talk Albums and Share Stories

Our Liner Notes Podcast

I know, you’re not thinking, “Palmer was on another podcast,” but “what do Kiss, They Might Be Giants, and The Strokes have in common?”

Well, they all hail from New York, and that was the theme of Our Liner Notes Episode 6 “Agents of New York”, retroactively chosen by myself and hosts Chris and Paul Maier. And yes, all three bands hail from New York, but now you’re asking yourself, “what is Our Liner Notes?”

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The Markham Knight Rises on Gotham Lights Podcast

The Markham Knight Rises on Gotham Lights Podcast

My guest appearance on the Gotham Lights Podcast wasn’t about me. It wasn’t about the hosts, Henno or Stef, either… It wasn’t even about the television show Gotham, a show on it’s mid-season break which the podcast is based upon.

Sure many things were covered, but for me, for my part, and from my perspective it was about one podcaster dusting off the old microphone and talking on record again, for the first time in over a month!

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A Companion Piece to Agent Palmer on Diamond Minds Podcast

Diamond Minds Podcast

Recently, I had the pleasure of joining the father and son podcasting duo of Paul (Father) and Dave (Son) Maier on their show Diamond Minds. It’s mainly about the two of them catching up and staying in touch, while discussing topics with and without guests coupled with bad jokes and heart warming puns!

Why was I on? Because I was asked! But I wasn’t really asked, it was a suggestion made by Paul on the episode prior to my guest spot on Episode 27 “Secret Agent Man.”

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