Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Are You Prepared for 24 Straight Hours of LIVE 7 Days a Geek?

7 Days A Geek Presents PodtoberFest

What happens in the after show of Mixlr Live 7 Days a Geek shows, usually stays in the after show. But for some reason the idea for a live 24 hour broadcast didn’t remain there.

Jason The Angry Ginger latched onto the idea and Grant The Kilted One took it and ran. The first thing they did was create a writers room full of writers and thinkers to help create enough content to fill the 24 hours.

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I, Agent Palmer, was asked to Infiltrate Podcast Without Borders

Podcast Without Borders

For the third consecutive week, a podcast will be released with an appearance by Agent Palmer. This time I had the pleasure of joining Aaron, Dave and their new co-host Cole on Podcast Without Borders Episode 36. It was Aaron picks month and I was honored to be his third choice.

These giraffe loving Canadians are out to have a good time and share it with the world.

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I appeared on the Inglorious Gentlemen Podcast and Now I Have a New Alias

Inglorious Gentlemen Podcast

Introducing Lord Harry of Palm, that’s me! Or at least that’s me when I appeared on the Inglorious Gentlemen Podcast.

It’s “an eye opening podcast of gentleman discussing topics that always turns south into the dark side of men.” But the purposed of this post is to explain how I became Lord Harry of Palm and to divulge the wonderful time I had with the Gents of Inglorious Gentlemen.

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Agent Palmer Teamed Up with Vengeful Jedi for a Geekful GeekDig Podcast

GeekDig Podcast

My first appearance on the GeekDig podcast came about spontaneously through a lack of communication within an online community in which the host Vengeful Jedi (Clint Thiele) and myself are both apart of.

A whole bunch of the podcasters and others in that community traveled to Portland to attend Rose City Comic Con (RCCC) and due to the horrible internet connection within the con we were left with much less updating then was advertised, though not to the fault of our friends.

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