Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

#CTPinJuly on The Stranger Conversations: A “Social Experiment” You Need to Experience


What happens when you take a podcast of four individuals made up of two couples and isolate them?

What happens when they’re asked about themselves, each other, and then the same 10 questions?

What happens is magic, and that magic was created by Grant Markham, host of The Stranger Conversations, when he sat down individually with the four members of Couple Things Podcast.

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Agent Palmer Guests on Moving the Needle Podcast (Episode 87 | Reviews: Indominus Cruelty)

Moving the Needle Podcast Logo

It’s not a mistake. The Stranger Conversations with Grant Markham was not an anomaly. Do not adjust your dials.

That was I, Agent Palmer, on another podcast. This time I infiltrated the Moving the Needle Podcast (MTNpod). “Infiltrated” may be a harsh word, as I was invited. As a peek behind the curtain, here’s how this came about.

I was just live tweeting some episodes of MTNpod, per my usual podcast listening habits.

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What is a Podcast? An Attempt to End the Debate of ‘Independent’ VS ‘Professional’ Podcasting

What is a Podcast

Wikipedia defines “Podcast” as a “digital medium that consists of a episodic series of audio, video, digital radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed on-line to a computer or mobile device.” Merriam-Webster defines “Podcast” as “a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet.”

Meanwhile, I define it in the simplest terms as an “on-demand radio program.”

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