Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Behind the Scenes of Agent Palmer on The Stranger Conversations with Grant Markham

The Stranger Conversations

It all started with an episode of 7 Days a Geek; Episode 108 to be exact, which led to getting a sneak preview of The Stranger Conversations, and then to twitter conversations and eventually my first podcast appearance on The Stranger Conversations. That’s how it started, honest.

From talking to Jason The Angry Ginger @s7evendaysageek and Grant The Kilted One @insta_grants2 on twitter, I became the 15th guest on Grant’s podcast The Stranger Conversations, even though it’s only episode 14, because he started counting at zero.

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What you should listen to: WTF with Marc Maron

WTF with Marc Maron WTFpod Podcast

Let’s do this… Lock the gates!

When comedy meets music, narcissism, philosophy and cats in an ongoing psychotherapy session you have WTF with Marc Maron. What the Fuck…

Following the cancellation of Marc’s show on the now defunct Air America radio network, Marc started his WTF Podcast by trespassing in the Air America studios to record the first few episodes, before moving himself to Los Angeles and his podcast into his now infamous garage.

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What you should listen to: The Nerdist Podcast (The Big Bang of the Nerdist Industries Juggernaut)

The Nerdist Podcast

Before Nerdist Industries was a juggernaut, before there was the Nerdist Podcast Network and the Nerdist YouTube Channel, there was a podcast; The Nerdist Podcast, not to put too fine a point on it.

Chris Hardwick, along with Matt Mira and Jonah Ray, usually accompanied by a celebrity, commonly of nerd or comedic fame, have conversations and record them for the entertainment of many, many fans, across many, many fandoms.

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