Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

A Companion to My Declassified Top Secret Podcast Appearance on The Podcast Digest

A Companion to My Declassified Top Secret Podcast Appearance on The Podcast Digest

It has happened.

No, it’s not a shock that I appeared on another podcast, but it is quite the surprise that I appeared on The Podcast Digest.

This doesn’t go back that far, although I have reached out to Dan to guest on his show before. Most recently, I was told “not without a podcast of my own,” by Dan on The Diamond Dave Show, but with all of our Twitter sparring, this was a fun secret.

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A Companion Post to the Review of Producer Palmer on 7 Days A Geek

A Companion Post to the Review of Producer Palmer on 7 Days A Geek

Recently, my job as producer at 7 Days A Geek was reviewed on air. It was much more of a Roast than an actual review, but it was a review none-the-less.

I did not produce my own review. I was not allowed to. Now, if you haven’t heard the Episode, please do, these are just some highlights and additional feedback from me, since I wasn’t on mic for more than 10 minutes during the entire one hour and fifty-three minute runtime.

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Something Wicked This Way Comes…
(Wicked Theory brought the Podcast to Me)

Something Wicked Theory Comes This Way

I got a surprise this weekend. I was always told that my first appearance on the Wicked Theory Podcast would not be via Skype, this is fact. So I surmised that would mean going to the Wicked Theory Podcast studios, but… they had other plans and the podcast came to me.

Yes, it was absolute shock! I was completely not ready for it. Bill and the gang got me and they got me good. I would like to assume that a good time was had by all, but you’ll have to ask Bill, Bob and Ed for their thoughts.

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What you should listen to: Reasons Are Several Podcast

Reasons Are Several Podcast

I can’t tell you Reasons Are Several is a sports podcast because sometimes it’s not. I can’t tell you that it is a geek podcast or a movie podcast or a music podcast or a comedy podcast because sometimes it’s not.

However, what I can tell you is that most of the time it is a combination of at least three of those things which makes it fantastic. It really should be a part of your weekly listening queue.

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The Amazing App for Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks: It’s Freakishly Angelic!

Download the Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks App

Are you fed up with other podcasts clogging your feed? Tired of the endless scrolling in order to get to the latest episode of Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks?

Agent Palmer here for the DAPF App, powered by the device you can’t leave home without for the podcast you can’t live without.

When your standard podcast listening app of choice just isn’t keeping you up to date with the freshest in DAPFpod, this App has you covered.

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