Christmas in Tattertown aired on Nickelodeon on December 21, 1988 as the first original show created for the network. It was the brainchild of Ralph Bakshi, based on a comic strip called “Junk Town” that he came up with in high school.
Declassify >Back in Noir: Netflix and Marvel are Back in Business with Alias Investigations’ Jessica Jones
On November 20, Jessica Jones made the leap from the pages of Marvel Comics to the small screen, or any screen, with the release of her very own Netflix series.
This is Marvel’s second Netflix series which follows the success of Daredevil this past spring.
Early on Jessica Jones is full of subplots as it was designed to be. Taking its cues from classic film noir, these subplots are all connected, but they are just as much devices to confuse and complicate a story as they are a part of that story. As a classic film noir show Jessica Jones dramatically succeeds.
Declassify >Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective
Rotospective: In 1997, Ralph Bakshi’s trailblazing Spicy City eerily predicted modern times
Heart hidden behind Bakshi’s dystopian Spicy City
Ralph Bakshi’s Spicy City, produced for HBO, was a short-lived six-episode cartoon series aimed at adults. It is further proof that Bakshi is more than just a legendary animator; he’s also a trailblazer.
Declassify >Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective
Rotospective: Dr. Seuss’ Butter Battle Book brought to life by Bakshi Animation
Only a few people in the world are cool enough to call Dr. Seuss “Ted,” and one of them is Ralph Bakshi. Their connection is through The Butter Battle Book, which Dr. Seuss wrote and which Bakshi helped bring to life as an animated television special.
Declassify >The Shannara Chronicles – The Hype and The Hope
Special Report by Agent Z
MTV is planning to launch a televised Shannara series. I imagine my reaction to the announcement was shared by most fans of the popular fantasy novels. MTV, really? The network known for producing reality television was taking on the massive undertaking of adapting Terry Brooks’ novel, The Elfstones of Shannara.
My initial anticipation was tepid given my negative perception of the network’s programming.
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