Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Huzzah! 500 Episodes… Well done Simpsons, well done.

The Simpsons 500th episode

It’s not often that a cartoon series lasts for 23 years. In retrospect it seems downright implausible that a cartoon series on FOX would last that long as they did prematurely terminate Family Guy (only to resurrect it) and Futurama (which was resurrected after great straight to DVD sales).

So, The Simpsons hit the 500 episode mark and that should be and was celebrated.

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Your Ad & Agency Grinds My Gears, T-Mobile


If you watch tv, you see commercials. That’s the way it works. So this holiday season, when I first saw T-Mobile’s “4G Wonderland” spot (embedded at the bottom of this post), I was appalled. How is it possible that an ad agency or the executives at T-Mobile could let something go that to even the most casual observer is, well, appalling?

If you haven’t seen it, the commercial rips (parodies if you like) off the Christmas classic, “Winter Wonderland.”

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Spoiler Free Review

Battlestar Galactica: A Show You Need to Watch

The series by itself, is a wonderful thing, that I am thankful to have watched beginning to end. Television by it’s very nature is not very ordered, most shows you can watch out of turn, but for those of you who have yet to watch this, I urge you to do it in turn.

The greater picture, the master stroke, if you will, is best seen like a play, one act at a time. In sequential order.

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The Muppets are Back. I didn’t know they left!

Stattler and Waldorf - The Muppets

I am so very impressed with The Muppets. I grew up with them, in fact, I’m in the last group of kids who watched new episodes of Jim Henson’s legacy. Nickelodeon, was still playing original episodes of “The Muppet Show” and “Fraggle Rock” were still alive and well. So for something that I grew up with to still impress me, feels like a big deal.

And what Disney has done, and I’m not the biggest Disney fan (far from it), socially through the use of available technologies to make The Muppets relevant again, is truely a masterpiece.

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