Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Whatever happened to DiC? An Attempted Oral History on the Saturday Morning Cartoon Powerhouse

The Incredible World of DiC Logo

Consider this a love letter to lazy Saturday mornings, sugary breakfast cereals, and a production company whose hits knew no bounds.

Those of us fortunate to have been raised in the 1980s and 1990s fondly recall great Saturday morning cartoons by the handful. This, of course, was long before the ill-fated fall of that blessed Saturday morning programming block forever changed in September 2014. While it’s easy to look back now with fond memories, you might be surprised to learn that many of Saturday morning’s greatest hits were maintained by a single production house.

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Spoiler Free Review

Disenchantment on Netflix

Disenchantment is a Return to Form for Matt Groening that’s more Futurama than Simpsons.

Matt Groening returns to the small screen with Netflix’s Disenchantment. The writer’s room and voice talents are a who’s who of Futurama and Simpsons veterans with some IT Crowd connections like Matt Berry and Noel Fielding rounding out the star-studded cast. It’s five hours of the animated stylings that made The Simpsons and Futurama so good, that’s right, it’s the quickest binge you’ll ever go on with 10 half-hour episodes waiting for you.

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Parallels of ‘Black Panther’ power second season of ‘Luke Cage’

What Luke Cage Season Two and Black Panther Have in Common

A Special Report from Agent Parker.

If you’re the type of Marvel fanatic who loved the realistic approach creators took to humanize the villain Killmonger in this year’s “Black Panther” film, you’re sure to see some parallels in the second season of “Luke Cage.”

All of Power Man’s second season episodes became available on Netflix on June 22, and thanks to the power of paid time off, I was actually able to finish the series within a week.

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