Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

What everyone can learn from Germany’s World Cup Title Run

Germany stands atop the game of football (or futbol or even soccer, depending on your country of origin) as the 2014 World Cup Champions. This isn’t a shock as they’ve been here before – three times, in fact – making this their fourth World Cup.

This makes them a powerhouse in their sport, but it was how they managed to get to World Cup Championship No. 4 that makes this impressive.

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Random fandoms collide comfortably at Philly Non-Sports Card Show

Non-Sport Cards Show

This past weekend, I attended the 60th Philly Non-Sports Card Show in Allentown, Pa. This isn’t the first time I’ve been there, but every time I go I’m amazed at how much of that industry still exists.

I grew up with movie cards, sports cards, and collectible card games. Sure, I stopped collecting sports cards and I don’t collect Magic: The Gathering cards like I used to, but that obviously doesn’t mean everyone else kept up with their hobbies.

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Geek Space: Two Bakshi Walls

I have two walls in my home devoted to the animation of Ralph Bakshi, designated as my two “Bakshi Walls.” One is in my living room, which consists of three animation pencils from Wizards and the other is in my office, which has two actual animation cels from Wizards, so I guess you could call them my “Wizards” walls.

I’m going to share with you these walls, as they are two of my favorite Geek Spaces.

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Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective

Rotospective: Ralph Bakshi, Lessons in Artistry, Rebellion and Success

His influences were Bob Dylan, Jackson Pollack, Elvis Presley, Superman comic books, beatniks, jazz, Jack Kerouac, and the old school creators of cartooning and animation. This, coupled with the time periods he lived through, gave Ralph Bakshi the perfect storm of a foundation for his beliefs and the perfect medium to tell his stories.

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Aunt Beru Sings! How Bonnie Piesse endured to launch her debut album Bittersweet EP

This is a story of the release of Bonnie Piesse’s Bittersweet EP, her debut album and a good one at that. But you can’t talk about the music without talking about Bonnie’s perseverance to get the Bittersweet EP made.

The story of this EP is a phoenix rising from the ashes, only this time the phoenix is a talented singer/songwriter, who also happens to be the actress who played young Aunt Beru in the Star Wars Prequels.

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