Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Small Oddities

Small Oddities: Clerks, Trees, Serenity and Solitude

I am always amazed at the talent found on DeviantArt. The brushstrokes, a correctly placed pixel, the click of a camera at the right moment, the correct light, cartoon irony, serenity and humor. It’s all in my feed thanks, in no small part, to the talented artists and photographers that make up my watch-list.

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John F. Kennedy’s Role in Space Exploration Cannot and Must Not be Understated

John F Kennedy famous Speech to the Moon

November 22, 2013 is 50 years to the day that then President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Fifty years is a long time ago, but for the man who lived for just a short 46 years, he did a lot for his country and the world.

There has been and will continue to be a lot of remembrances of the 35th President of the United States of America, but I for one am grateful for the path he started us on, in a speech before a Joint Session of Congress on May 25th, 1961 and reiterated in a speech on the campus of Rice University as well.

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Small Oddities

Small Oddities: A Mascot, A Screenshot, A Seal and The Warden

This edition of small oddities takes us from the 70’s and 80’s right up through some more modern art. We have a Silhouette screenshot from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 Lord of the Rings, Cool Spot the 80’s mascot for 7 Up, a modern seal for Loki from Avengers and a very well done digital painting.

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