Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Finally, Someone’s doing Social Media Correctly | Copperhead Grille Allentown

Copperhead Grill Allentown Pa

I recently had lunch at the Copperhead Grille Allentown. As I usually do, or more accurately as I try to remember to do, I checked in on Foursquare. Then we got down to business, as it was a business lunch. We were greeted nicely and sat down to order.

I had a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, which unfortunately I didn’t Foodspot, but it was great. The meal the service it was excellent. But that’s not why I’m writing this blog. It was what happened hours after my visit that made my week!

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Geek Resolutions for 2013: An In-depth Report or How to be a Geek in 2013

Every year on Dec. 31, people start contemplating what they’ll strive for in the coming year.

I’ll quit smoking. I’ll lose weight. I’ll save money.

Yeah, sure you will, until the second week of January when you say, “Screw it,” and just wait to make the same resolutions next year.

Here is a list of the resolutions that most of us geeks have every year, only they aren’t resolutions, they’re goals!

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Neil Armstrong has passed on and I have important question

Neil Armstrong died today at the age of 82

Neil Armstrong died today at the age of 82. He was a legend and a national treasure. The man who took “one giant leap for mankind” is now, once again, among the stars. The twittersphere has blown up with memorial tweets but no one, that I’ve come across anyway, has asked this one question.

Why haven’t we gone back to the moon, since the Apollo program?

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Medieval Knights and the Knightly Code ~ An Essay Assignment from the Jedi Manual Basic

Steps to Knighhood Knightly Code and Medieval Knights

On my kindle, I’ve just started reading Jedi Manual Basic – Introduction to Jedi Knighthood. After the first chapter you are given a writing assignment.

Below are the instructions given in the book. Under that I’m sharing my essay with you.

Maybe you’ll agree and maybe you won’t, but these are my thoughts on the reading and the research that I’ve done. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it.

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The Greatest Geek Weekend in a while

Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a New World Emil

This past weekend I had the joy of doing one thing all geeks love to do. I played a video game. Yep. That’s it. I made it through the first 5 Chapters of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World. It wasn’t just that though. There was more to it. The things that happened this weekend just added to the excitement.

This weekend, while procrastinators thought out their tax strategies, I was lounging on the couch leveling my characters and basking in the glow of my Wii.

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