Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Coffee Declassified

Two Cups of Coffee Facts

Two Cups of Coffee Facts

Coffee is robust and full of flavor as the drink goes, but it also has quite the history surrounded by colorful myths and facts alike. As it is a favorite drink of many, myself included, and a favorite subject of mine to research, here are 16oz of coffee facts for your pleasure. Two 8oz. Cups of facts for you to enjoy with your morning cup of joe.

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Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys by Michael Collins is a must have for NASAphiles

Carrying the Fire An Astronauts Journeys Michael Collins

There is something uniquely wonderful about the autobiography of Michael Collins, Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys, and it is indeed the author Michael Collins.

Collins writes of his journeys into the astronaut corps and of his flights on Gemini 10 and Apollo 11 with such descriptive simplicity, that the book is both hard to put down and hard to continue without taking a moment to think about the story he has just told.

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What I Gained from Shouting Back from the Void: 100 Proxycasts and Counting…

What I Gained from Shouting Back from the Void 100 Proxycasts and Counting...

I recently had the privilege of being honored by my friends with a special episode of Our Liner Notes for having infiltrated 100 different podcast episodes. The very definition of “Proxycasting,” a term coined by Bill Sweeney of The Wicked Theory Podcast, which means “Palmer doesn’t need his own podcast, he has yours!”

And while that episode was, in fact, my idea, I have no doubts about its origin as a fairly egotistical start, but what happened at the end is worth noting on a very serious level

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Timing is Everything when we Examine our Favorite Films, Music, and More

Timing is Everything when we Examine our Favorite Films, Music, and More

Not that long ago, I appeared on Our Liner Notes to argue with my friend and show host Chris Maier about the merits of both the movies and soundtracks for Heavy Metal vs. Rock ‘N Rule.

Despite our differences, we came to one very important conclusion. Since I had watched Heavy Metal in my early teens and only came to discover Rock ‘N Rule some 20 years later, while he had come to Rock ‘N Rule a bit earlier and then watched Heavy Metal recently, also about 20 years later, our opinions were extremely influenced by when we watched these films more than the films themselves.

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Making Time for Friends: A Geekin’ Weekend

From the desk of Agent Palmer

Occasionally, I get together with a good friend of mine and we “geek out” for the weekend. And this past weekend was one of those times.

It was filled with movies, conversation, sport, and some gaming. It had it all, and even encompassed a few seasons due to some odd weather, so I’ve decided to recap it.

He came down to visit on Friday night and we knocked out some Science Fiction right off the bat. He hadn’t yet seen Valerian, and I own it, so I introduced it to him. Then on Saturday we saw an early showing of Black Panther.

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