Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Geek Resolutions for 2013: An In-depth Report or How to be a Geek in 2013

Every year on Dec. 31, people start contemplating what they’ll strive for in the coming year.

I’ll quit smoking. I’ll lose weight. I’ll save money.

Yeah, sure you will, until the second week of January when you say, “Screw it,” and just wait to make the same resolutions next year.

Here is a list of the resolutions that most of us geeks have every year, only they aren’t resolutions, they’re goals!

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Neil Armstrong has passed on and I have important question

Neil Armstrong died today at the age of 82

Neil Armstrong died today at the age of 82. He was a legend and a national treasure. The man who took “one giant leap for mankind” is now, once again, among the stars. The twittersphere has blown up with memorial tweets but no one, that I’ve come across anyway, has asked this one question.

Why haven’t we gone back to the moon, since the Apollo program?

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Heatwave: Blame it on the Heat

Scorched Earth by Chryllis on deviantArt

It’s been a hot one. Not just this summer, but this year. It’s going to be one of the hottest in history… That’s what they’re saying anyway. I understand the consequences, this heat has also been accompanied by drought and fire. When it does rain, it’s a thunderstorm that doesn’t seem to drop the humidity and cool everything off like we’re used to.

But I’m not going to talk about the negative effects on farming and the destruction of property from the fires. I’m going to talk about us.

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Hail to the King, Duke Nukem Forever: F#@K Call of Duty! A History Lesson in Gaming!

Duke Nukem Forever American Icon

As mentioned in the previous post, I recently beat Duke Nukem Forever – A game that essentially 15 years in the making eventually released with little critical acclaim, but one that should have been given it’s due. Duke Nukem Forever was not for everyone but, having beaten the game, I can say it was made for me as I fit into the 1% of gamers who can appreciate its greatness.

In all fairness, the lack of critical acclaim was due to its place in modern gaming and has no actual bearing on the game itself.

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Twitter is not Facebook

Twitter is not Facebook

It’s a really simple equation that most people just don’t seem to understand; twitter ≠ facebook. How hard is that to comprehend? Most people can understand that 8 ≠ 2, but twitter and facebook they confuse. It’s not apples and apples, it’s not even apples and oranges, it’s apples and plastic.

I understand that they are both social mediums and forms of communication. But the similarities stop there.

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