Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Titanic II, A really hubristic homage to a ship that sank!


So, one of the richest people in Australia wants to construct Titanic II. Well, “wants” is the wrong world, he “is” constructing Titanic II. He’s commissioned a state-owned Chinese company to construct the ship. But wait, there’s more, he’s going to build it with the exact dimensions of the original ship, you know, the one that’s at the bottom of the North Atlantic. Doesn’t this seem a bit odd?

Doesn’t it seem like he’s really tempting fate here?

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Sports are for the athletes to do and for us to watch

I am, very much, a worldly sports fanatic. I love baseball, but in the sports list of things I like to watch and stay on top of are also, soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, racing, playoff hockey, cycling, rugby, and Aussie Rules Football, among many. So when big things happen in sports across the pond, I usually find out about them before most. Today was no different.

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Posterous acquired by Twitter. An Email too late…

Posterous Spaces

On the morning of March 13th, 2012 I learned that Twitter had purchased Posterous. It’s very big news in the world of microblogging and social media because Twitter is a powerhouse in social media and Posterous is a player in microblogging, a rival or Tumblr.

I mention the date of March, 13th 2012 because as a Posterous user, I received an email from them telling me of the acquisition by Twitter on March 19th.

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Encyclopedia Britannica: In Print No More

Encyclopedia Britannica In Print No More

This week, the news broke that Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be printing it’s massive volumes of knowledge, instead it will be an online resource. This is big news and a very frightening thing if I may say so, to some much more than others.

Since the 1900’s there have been 6 generations: the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and the currently named, and most recent generation, Generation Z.

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Twinkie and the Hostess

Hostess Twinkies

Today while looking at my google news feed I saw a disturbing article. Not disturbing to me necessarily, but a grave concern to some people I know. So I clicked the link and read with horror the story of how hostess is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection again.

After I read the article I called my friend Jason Zapata Wordsmith and alerted him of this grave news.

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