Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

“It’s What You Learn After You Know it All” is for Baseball Fans and Managers of all Types

The Autobiography of Earl Weaver

Over the years baseball has changed. On the diamond, in the dugout, and off the field as well. And there are a ton of things in this book that emphasize that point, but this book is more than baseball, it’s Earl Weaver. And then again, some things don’t change.

It’s pitching, defence, and the three-run home-run. It’s arguing with umpires, tearing up rulebooks, and “debates” with your own players and management.

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Amazon Prime’s “This Is Football” is to be Celebrated like a Winning Goal

This Is Football from Amazon Prime

Season One of Amazon Prime’s “This Is Football” six-part documentary is a perfect example of all that is actually beautiful with the beautiful game.

In a world where, on Amazon Prime or Netflix, a search for soccer or football will bring you to documentaries on the FIFA scandals, which is an example of everything that is wrong with the game, this series is about everything that is right with the game.

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2019 College Football Preview with Matt (formerly of the Reasons Are Several Podcast)

Before the 2019 College Football Season kicks off, I’m joined by Matt (formerly of the Reasons Are Several Podcast) to preview the season with Conference Winners, Playoff Matchups and a National Champion!

Our only qualifications are that we enjoy watching, talking, and speculating about the College game!

And before you head off into our picks, you can hear Matt and I wax poetic on the Reasons Are Several Podcast about our picks for the 2016 Season, but we also tackle our Top College Football Rivalries.

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Historical with Editorial: Jon Miller’s Confessions of a Baseball Purist is a Home Run

Confessions of a Baseball Purist by Jon Miller with Mark Hyman

There are two reasons I picked up Confessions of a Baseball Purist by Jon Miller with Mark Hyman. One, Jon Miller was the voice of the Baltimore Orioles during my formative years listening to games on the radio and two, he really knows his stuff.

The book originally released in 1998 and the updated edition from 2000 may appear dated, but it is not antiquated at all. In fact, more of his observations are proven out than those that aren’t in the 18 years since this text has last been touched.

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