I met Edward Miller at The Great Allentown Comic Con and he convinced me to pick up a copy of The Kronos Interference, penned by himself and co-author J.B. Manas. The copy was promptly signed and I read it. It was brilliant and I just had to get to know the the authors individually.
Declassify >Interrogations
The Interrogation of Cartoonist, Designer, Artist and Fanboy Chris Flick
This interrogation was an easy one. But it appears, after all the questions were answered, we still don’t know Chris. He appears to be, to quote an old movie, “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Perhaps we may never know the real Chris, but this is a good start.
Declassify >Interrogations
The Interrogation of Artist and Graphic Designer Ryan Lynn
Commissioned artist for CBS. Aspiring astronaut. Potential vampire.
There’s a lot to learn about graphic designer Ryan Lynn, as you’ll find in the following interrogation, like how his weekends are spent recharging his batteries and how his day job, at 4O1! Creative, provided him his first foray into the world of Agent Palmer.
Declassify >Interrogations
The Interrogation of Artist, Teacher, and Comic Book Industry Veteran Darren Auck
In a series of questions, artist and teacher, Darren Auck lets us in on his inspirations, teaching methods, lessons learned, and, for some, finally answers the burning “Chasing Amy” question about inkers and tracers. Darren has seen the industry from many vantage points and at many levels, and his answers are pretty refreshing in their honesty.
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