Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Almost a Decade Later, Mitchell’s Thinking About It Only Makes It Worse Remains Relevant

Thinking About It Only Makes it Worse David Mitchell

David Mitchell’s second solo outing as an author, Thinking About It Only Makes It Worse, is a comedian at the height of his dry witty observational prowess with stances on current events, curriculuae, and common sense.

His first book, Back Story: A Memoir, was all about who he is. This book is all about how he thinks, which for some of us, as a fan of his comedy and appearances on many panel shows in Britain, should come as no surprise.

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No Matter which Football you Love, Captains and Quarterbacks Offer Emotional Journeys for Viewers

Quarterback and Captains on Netflix


Where you are when you talk about it, defines which sport you are discussing. On Netflix, there exists two eight-part docu series about both of the sports. Captains follows six players who are attempting to lead their countries to the World Cup final in Qatar through qualification, while Quarterback follows three NFL QBs as they attempt to lead their teams to a Super Bowl victory.

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Spoiler Free Review

Codex by Lev Grossman Spoiler Free Book Review

The Mystery of The Codex is Always on the Periphery

Getting a promotion that you’ve worked for day in and day out, forgoing vacation and social graces, may seem like a dream come true. But when Edward Wozny gets such an opportunity, he takes a break and it’s not like a vacation at all. It’s a thrilling mystery that he wasn’t expecting.

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The Story of the Femmes was the better of the Tours de France in 2023

Like last year, there were two tours of the picturesque landscape of France on bicycles; the Tour de France and the Tour de France Femme avec Zwift. Both had their moments of triumph and heartbreak, as any race or even sporting event does, but they were not equal.

Let’s start with the men’s race, because it started first and it was off with a Yates! That’s right, twin brothers Adam and Simon Yates broke away and dueled each other for the first stage victory and the leader’s Yellow jersey.

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