Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Palmer's Trek

Palmers Trek Star Trek III The Search for Spock

Palmer’s Trek: Star Trek III The Search for Spock

A direct sequel to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is, as I write this, my favorite of the films in this franchise because, even more than its direct predecessor, this is an even more of a direct return to the Original Series.

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How I Halved My Record Collection and Why I Did it.

From Vinyl to MP3 to Vinyl

As some of you may know, or may have read back in 2021, I have been sorting things out five items at a time for a while now. That has not stopped.

While perhaps a great purge may have been better at some point as this has been going on since well before that original article was posted, I have been able to notice the difference. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t plenty of things I was avoiding.

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Palmer's Trek

Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

Palmer’s Trek: Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

This movie was something special, as it marks for me a return to form for the franchise and getting back to the roots of what made it so special in The Original Series. Of all the films in the franchise, this was the one that those Trek fans around me were most excited for me to experience.

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