The Agent Palmer Proxycast

“Palmer doesn’t need his own podcast, he has yours!”

– Bill of The Wicked Theory Podcast

Diamond Minds
Episode 18: Diamond Minds “Along Came A Palmer”

As DD gets into car shopping, Triple D recounts his past favorite vehicles, and provides logic as to why DD shouldn’t buy the car of his dreams. And then I interrupted the call and they added me into the discussion!

Listen to Diamond Minds Episode 43.

Episode 17: The Diamond Dave Show “Parviz Parvizi – Clammr”

The incredibly classy Parviz Parvizi join’s Dave along side Matt of Reasons Are Several and myself to discuss the genesis of Clammr, how its changing the podcast world, what their app hopes to achieve. Lastly, we request some items off our wish list’s for the future of Clammr.

Listen to The Diamond Dave Show Episode 02.
A Beginner’s Guide to Clammr.

Diamond Minds
Episode 16: Diamond Minds “Palmer Has Merch”

Despite the title “Palmer Has Merch,” Bill Sweeney of The Wicked Theory Podcast also joined Dave and Paul this week and Bill was on point. The four of us discussed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, a history of cellphones, and merchandise, obviously as stated in the title, Palmer merch. And more, too!

Listen to Diamond Minds Episode 42.

Diamond Minds
Episode 15: Diamond Minds “Group Chat”

I joined Diamond Dave Maier, Paul Maier, Chris Maier, and Stef for a conversation of politics and comic movies.

Enjoy the Diamond Corp group chat!

Listen to Diamond Minds Episode 40.

Diamond Minds Podcast
Episode 14: Diamond Minds “Tech Rants with Palmer”

DD rants about his recent audio mixing problems, DDD loses his email, Deadpool is awesome, Palmer saves the day heroically, and we discuss this weeks topic: Technology.

The good, the bad, and the future?

Listen to Diamond Minds Episode 37.

Episode 13: Passers-by Podcast “Talking Podtoberfest”

Agent Palmer comes on and tells his amazing story about Podtoberfest!

Make sure to listen and perhaps you’ll be hearing more from me on Passers-by!

Listen to Passers-by Podcast Episode 22
Read all about Agent Palmer on Passers-by Podcast.

Episode 12: 7 Days A Geek “Where is Ginger?”

Agent Palmer joins one half of 7 Days A Geek to “Geek Out” with TK1, while the other half of the podcast The Angry Ginger is no where to be found!

Where is Ginger? We only ask while chatting about all things geek, because this is 7 Days A Geek!

Listen to 7 Days A Geek Episode 132.

Our Liner Notes
Episode 11: Our Liner Notes “Agents of New York”

Agent Palmer joins hosts Paul and Chris Maier to discuss albums. Choices include Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants, Love Gun by Kiss and Is This It by The Strokes. The theme was bands that hail from New York. But it’s not all  music, it’s mostly music and a lot of fun.

Listen to Our Liner Notes Episode 6.
Read all about Agent Palmer joining Our Liner Notes.

Inglorious Gentlemen
Episode 10: Inglorious Gentlemen “‘Tis the Season?”

Having previously discussed the holidays, Lord Harry of Palm returns for a discussion on all things winter. Or as the episode description aptly states, “Uh… well, not so much but they do discuss stuff and things too.” Listen and be the judge of just how far off topic the Gentlemen get…

Listen to Inglorious Gentlemen Episode 11.

Gotham Lights Podcast
Episode 9: Gotham Lights Podcast “Too Late Mr. Freeze”

Listen as the talented Grant Markham rises from the ashes of 7 Days A Geek’s Podtoberfest to return to podcasting as a guest, along with me, on Gotham Lights with hosts Stef and Henno! The discussion is not limited to Gotham.

Listen to Gotham Lights Episode 23.
Read all about The Markham Knight Rising on Gotham Lights Podcast.

Inglorious Gentlemen
Episode 8: Inglorious Gentlemen “HanaRamaKwanzMas”

Once again, Agent Palmer or “Lord Harry of Palm” joins the Inglorious Gentlemen, this time to talk all things holidays. We discuss the commercialization of the holiday season and dig deep into Dr. Demento’s Christmas album… This episode may not be for the faint of heart.

Listen to Inglorious Gentlemen Episode 10.

Diamond Minds Podcast
Episode 7: Diamond Minds “Secret Agent Man”

Listen as Agent Palmer joins the father-son podcasting duo of Paul and David Maier, with additional guest cousin Chris Maier! Discussion includes but is not limited to writing, education and bad jokes. A great time is guaranteed with all those Maiers involved.

Listen to Diamond Minds Episode 27.
Read all about Agent Palmer joining the Diamond Minds Podcast.