Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Fifteen Movies to Watch in 2015

15 Movies to Watch in 2015

It’s 2015, Happy New Year! As 2014 came to a close, I coined it the “Year of the Trailer.” With that being the case, there must be movies in 2015 worth seeing.

So, in the interest of maintaining 2014 as the “Year of the Trailer,” here are 15 movies that you should see in 2015. They run the gamut from adult to children’s movies, action and adventure, reboots, continuations, and, of course, comic book movies.

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Small Oddities

Small Oddities Soccer Chess and more

Small Oddities: Sport, Dessert, Fantasy, and Reality

More great artwork is to be found on the interwebs and most is done with many various techniques and skill levels, although what I have for you here is done with the most expert of skills. Photographs and digital paintings from the real to the conceptual to the fantastic. All of these pieces are what make the internet a great place for sharing and discovering art.

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