Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective

Rotospective: Ralph Bakshi’s Heavy Traffic is High on Detail, Consistency and Realism

“What makes you happy? What makes you happy? Where do you go? Where do you go? Where do you hide? Where do you hide? Who do you see? Who do you see? Who do you trust? Who do you trust?” Thus begins Ralph Bakshi’s sophomore work Heavy Traffic. These are very poignant questions. Ones that main character Michael must traverse through the city streets.

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Field Report: An Infiltration of the Great Allentown Comic Con 2012 | Some things just can’t be replaced.

The Great Allentown Comic Con Comic Book Convention

I recently infiltrated the Great Allentown Comic Con in the city’s Merchants Square Mall. The attendance was not what it had been in the past and there weren’t quite the number of dealers that usually show up, but that can be attributed to the beating this and surrounding areas had taken due to Superstorm Sandy and the Nor’Easter that dumped winter weather in New Jersey.

Attendance aside, the atmosphere was upbeat – how could it not be with a room full of comics!

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