Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…


Ryan Lynn signing one of his Prints

The Interrogation of Artist and Graphic Designer Ryan Lynn

Commissioned artist for CBS. Aspiring astronaut. Potential vampire.

There’s a lot to learn about graphic designer Ryan Lynn, as you’ll find in the following interrogation, like how his weekends are spent recharging his batteries and how his day job, at 4O1! Creative, provided him his first foray into the world of Agent Palmer.

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Infiltrating the 2014 Edition of The Great Allentown Comic Con Summer Show

2014 Edition of The Great Allentown Comic Con Summer Show

This past weekend, I had the privilege of attending The Great Allentown Comic Con Summer Show at Merchants Square Mall. As usual, it was filled with vendors of comic books and other pop culture paraphernalia, artists and other vendors, as well as, my fellow attendees, those in cosplay and those who just showed up with their geek on their sleeve.

I have said before and I’ll say it again, The Great Allentown Comic Con is getting too big for itself. This is not a complaint, more of an observation, and a good problem for the organizers to have at that.

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Small Oddities

Small Oddities Soccer Chess and more

Small Oddities: Sport, Dessert, Fantasy, and Reality

More great artwork is to be found on the interwebs and most is done with many various techniques and skill levels, although what I have for you here is done with the most expert of skills. Photographs and digital paintings from the real to the conceptual to the fantastic. All of these pieces are what make the internet a great place for sharing and discovering art.

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