Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective

Rotospective: Looking to the “Last Days of Coney Island” as the Return of Ralph Bakshi

In February of 2013 Ralph Bakshi launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund “Last Days of Coney Island.” The project to be “an animated cop, mafia, horror movie set in the 1960s in Coney Island, with political overtones both realistic and outrageous” was funded by a very successful and impressive Kickstarter campaign, which garnered the sum of $174,195 from 1,290 backers. Release is slated for 2014.

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Small Oddities

Small Oddities: Clerks, Trees, Serenity and Solitude

I am always amazed at the talent found on DeviantArt. The brushstrokes, a correctly placed pixel, the click of a camera at the right moment, the correct light, cartoon irony, serenity and humor. It’s all in my feed thanks, in no small part, to the talented artists and photographers that make up my watch-list.

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Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective

Rotospective: A Journey through American Pop, Lessons in History, Family and American music

American Pop is an amazing journey through the family tree of four generations of a Russian Jewish immigrant family of musicians and songwriters as told through the american music scene. Family matters, heirlooms, relationships and music. In my opinion, this is the best movie following a family tree throughout generations that has ever been attempted. That is follows popular American music is an added bonus, but at it’s heart this film is about family.

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Infiltrating The 2013 Great Allentown Comic Con: The “Too Big” Little Con

Darth Maul at 2013 Great Allentown Comic Con

I really do enjoy going to The Great Allentown Comic Con. It’s always full of and eclectic bunch of artists, writers and celebrities.

It has friendly dealers that are just as willing to strike up a conversation as they are to sell you something. You can haggle prices and there are always people cosplaying, or if you prefer, there are always people in costume.

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