Three photographs, one classic cartoon character meets modern spy agency illustration and a minimalist interpretation of a Blue Rogue Air Pirate.
Declassify >14 Movies I’m looking forward to in 2014 | What to Watch in the Next 12 Months
There are movies that you have to see on opening night, movies that you’ll rent, movies that you’ll see eventually and simply movies that you’d like to see. Below is the kind of list that contains all of those, but the one constant is that I want to see them all at some point.
I’ll be the first to admit that I usually don’t care to see 14 new movies in a given year, usually 6 or 7 tops, but this year I wrote them all down they totaled 14, what luck!?
Declassify >Spoiler Free Review
Why you should watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (A No Spoilers Review)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a great show. It’s well written with witty dialogue and intriguing characters. It’s shot as if it were a movie and has an epic soundtrack. Overall, it’s just a good time.
Declassify >Small Oddities
Small Oddities: A Mascot, A Screenshot, A Seal and The Warden
This edition of small oddities takes us from the 70’s and 80’s right up through some more modern art. We have a Silhouette screenshot from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 Lord of the Rings, Cool Spot the 80’s mascot for 7 Up, a modern seal for Loki from Avengers and a very well done digital painting.
Declassify >Geek Space: The Shelf of Inspiration
As a geek, I have bookcases full of stuff. It’s the nature of the beast. Some of it is legit storage, but more often than not, it’s an amazing trophy case of books, magazines, games and figurines from my past and present.
I don’t claim to have a legit system of organization, but its not purely chaos. As such, the space I’m going to share with you is a shelf of mine and what makes the things on it special to me.
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