Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Objectivity wins in Deighton’s WW2 analysis, “Blood, Tears and Folly”

Blood Tears and Folly by Len Deighton Review

Blood, Tears and Folly, An Objective Look at World War II by Len Deighton doesn’t pull punches on any side or any of the conflicts of World War II. In Blood, Tears and Folly, he tells the facts as they are, filled with ego and delusion, stupidity, idolatry, and simple wanton greed.

This is a history lesson in six parts: The Battle of the Atlantic, Hitler Conquers Europe, The Mediterranean War, The War in the Air, Barbarossa: The Attack on Russia, and Japan Goes to War.

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Spoiler Free Review

Dragons Milk by Susan Fletcher Spoiler Free Review

Dragon’s Milk offers a cup full of life lessons

Dragon’s Milk by Susan Fletcher has been sitting on my shelf since elementary school. Did I read it back then? I have no recollection, but I decided it was finally time to read it. Let me tell you, for a book that was published in 1989, this book is incredibly relevant and was surely ahead of its time.

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Spoiler Free Review

Crichton’s Next is a TED Talk with a novel preamble

Crichton’s Next is a TED Talk with a novel preamble

Next is a masterful chaotic mess combining real science and science fiction so seamlessly that you have no idea what is or isn’t fabricated or researched unless you have a Ph.D., which I don’t. It asks and deals with a lot of bioethical issues and raises as many concerns as it does questions.

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The Real Frank Zappa Book is Worth Your Time, No Matter Who You Are

The Real Frank Zappa Book is Worth Your Time No Matter Who You Are Book Review

There are biographies and autobiographies that are about what a person did and how they achieved their particular brand of expertise, success, or celebrity, and then there are the ones that are about who that person really is.

The Real Frank Zappa Book is one such autobiography. You read this book and you don’t understand all of the important dates or instances of this or that which led to the Frank Zappa you know, but you do understand who he is. This isn’t as much of a history book as it is a philosophy book, it’s Frank’s philosophy, and he doesn’t pull any punches.

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