Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

I Suggest You Read I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling with Villains (Real & Imagined) by Chuck Klosterman

I Wear the Black Hat Grappling with Villains Real and Imagined by Chuck Klosterman

He’s written fiction, non-fiction, and essays about music, death, history and pop culture, but now Chuck Klosterman has turned his attention to villains with I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling with Villains (Real and Imagined), a book published on July 9th, 2013 and reprinted in paperback on July 1st, 2014.

Before we get into the book, let’s first look at the definition of the word villain, a noun. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, Villain is “a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things,” “a person who does bad things,” and “someone or something that is blamed for a particular problem or difficulty.”

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An Honest Review of How to Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage, Style, Women, and Cocktails Ever Written by Sterling Archer

How to Be Archer written by Sterling Malory Archer

Sterling Malory Archer has written a book about how to be him. That’s right, Archer, code named “Duchess”, the narcissistic, misogynistic, suave, hyper-sexed, alcoholic, spy of all spies has written a book about not just being a spy, but about being the best spy – himself.

From the beginning Archer sets up the tone of this humorously entertaining educational how-to book.

“A how-to book?! A book can’t teach someone how to be equal parts deadly and sexy! That’s like asking a cobra to write a book about how to be a cobra!”

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Enter Night: A Biography of Metallica by Mick Wall is THE Definitive Story of Metallica

Metallica Enter Night by Mick Wall

Beginning with the heart-wrenching bus accident that claimed the life of Cliff Burton and then chronicling the band and its many players through the release of Death Magnetic, Enter Night: A Biography of Metallica by Mick Wall is brilliant.

Who better than Mick Wall, as classic a name in Rock journalism as there is, to chronicle the life and times of one of the biggest bands in the world.

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Spoiler Free Review

Galilee by Clive Barker is a Masterpiece

Galilee: A Romance by Clive Barker is a Masterpiece of the Written Word

Galilee by Clive Barker is a departure from what most people know of his work; horror. This is a fantastical book. It’s a book about a book, a story about a story. The book is about Maddox putting to paper the histories of his family, the Barbarossas. But to do that he must also tell the story of the Gearys and the title character, Galilee, is the thread that binds these two families together.

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Attempting Normal by Marc Maron the Podcasting Philosophizer

Attempting Normal by Marc Maron

Marc Maron isn’t just a comedian and podcaster. He is a philosopher, as well. If you need proof of this beyond some of the profound things he says during his comedic sets and podcasts, look no further than his book Attempting Normal. He airs out his life, not like dirty laundry but much more like freshly laundered shirts on a warm spring day.

The stories are all personal to Marc: some are issues he may still be dealing with, but they aren’t written as if he’s airing dirty laundry. In fact, he spends time making sure the other side of the story is there as well.

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