Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Spoiler Free Review

The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman

A Spoiler Free Book Review of “The Visible Man” by Chuck Klosterman

“The Visible Man” is a wonderful read, it truly is. It’s about a scientist Y__, who reaches out to therapist Victoria Vick, claiming to have cloaking technology that renders him nearly invisible. This allows him to observe what random individuals are like, when they are alone. He has reached out to a therapist to deal with his sensation, not feeling, but his sensation of guilt, because of the technology he commands.

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The Year of Living Biblically: Insight into Religion from A.J. Jacobs (and Applied to Fandoms)

The Bible, consisting of both New and Old Testaments, in all it’s forms and versions is an extremely polarizing collection of words. In “The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible,” A.J. Jacobs catalogs his mental, physical and emotional journey through the waters of ancient and modern biblical literalism.

It’s hard to write about this book without giving away his conclusion, so I’m going to. But this book is much more about the journey than the destination in that regard.

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