Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Book Review: Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

I’m going to make a generalization: There are two types of people in the world, those who enjoy Chuck Klosterman and those who don’t know who he is. In my experience this is wholly truthful conclusion to come to, although I have no idea why?

I enjoy reading Klosterman’s books as do others, of this I am certain. But I have never, as of yet, had an encounter with a person who read is work and didn’t like it. This just seems like a natural lead in to a book review of Chuck Klosterman’s Eating the Dinosaur, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Book Review: The Groucho Letters, A Must Read

The Groucho Letters by Groucho Marx

From vaudeville to the big screen to the small screen and on radio, there was arguably no bigger star in the early to mid 1900’s than Groucho Marx. As the host of You Bet Your Life both on radio and TV, and as memorable characters Captain Jeffrey T. Spaulding, Rufus T. Firefly, Doctor Hugo Z. Hackenbush and many others,

Groucho was beloved by many. In his day, writing letters was a normal part of communication and his book, The Groucho Letters, containing letters, to and from him as correspondence, with other famous individuals is a must read.

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Geek Resolutions for 2013: An In-depth Report or How to be a Geek in 2013

Every year on Dec. 31, people start contemplating what they’ll strive for in the coming year.

I’ll quit smoking. I’ll lose weight. I’ll save money.

Yeah, sure you will, until the second week of January when you say, “Screw it,” and just wait to make the same resolutions next year.

Here is a list of the resolutions that most of us geeks have every year, only they aren’t resolutions, they’re goals!

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Thanks to a friend, I’ve entered the World of Shannara

The Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks

So, thanks to Jason Zapata Wordsmith’s constant badgering, I finally picked up the book that started it all for him; The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. He’s been telling me for years about the series and I finally broke down and bought it and then I started to read.

The book is great and as I didn’t just purchase one book, I purchased the trilogy as a whole, so I will be reading the rest.

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