Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

The Road to Clammr Clip 1,000

On January 21st, 2016 I posted my first Clammr clip and then I kept going and going, right through to July 4th, 2016, a mere 165 days later when I posted clip 1,000.

What is Clammr? I’ve covered this before, but in short, it’s a way to easily create and share short audio clips. Now it’s commonly used for podcasts, but it can be used in many other ways too.

How did I manage 1,000 clips in 165 days?

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Significance of Aerosmith’s live 1998 internet concert overlooked online

Significance of Aerosmith’s live 1998 internet concert overlooked online

Recently, I was on the Our Liner Notes podcast talking about first concerts. Since mine was Aerosmith on their Nine Lives Tour, I thought it fitting to bring up another first concert I had. So in preparation I did some research on the first concert I watched online back in 1998…

That was the beginning of the rabbit hole. There’s isn’t much the internet has to say about this concert, leaving me to wonder why there isn’t more on this should-be-groundbreaking concert. In the wake of it’s absence, I’ve attempted to find out a little more about it and share that information and my thoughts.

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Declassifying the Internet

Declassifying the Internet

Agent Palmer presents: ‘Declassifying the Internet’

Let me start by saying that I am by no means an expert. In fact, when it comes to the Internet, I’m not sure there are any “experts.”

But I do have a sound grasp of knowledge surrounding the concepts and tools available through the world wide web. With that knowledge, I would like to introduce you to my “Declassifying the Internet” series.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Clammr

Clammr App Tips from Agent Palmer

“The human species has been around for 200,000 years and we’ve been coding our communication in text for less than 3% of that time. I think speaking and listening is a really natural mode of interacting with people.” – Parviz Parvizi

Recently, I was invited to co-host The Diamond Dave Show with David Maier as a special co-host along with Matt from Reasons Are Several to interview Parviz, one of the brilliant minds behind Clammr.

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A Book Report on Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture by David Kushner

Masters of Doom by David Kushner

Sometimes the story is of the game and not just in the game.

Such is the case for my favorite games Wolfenstein 3-D, Doom, Quake, I played them all and I played them a lot. On occasion I still pull out the original Quake and play away my stress by blasting monsters to bits. So I was intrigued when I learned of Masters of Doom by David Kushner about the two Johns; Carmack and Romero, who came together to create these games and more.

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