Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a Marvel Masterpiece that ties in amazingly with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Full of Spoilers]

Captain America The Winter Soldier Shield

A few things up front. I am current with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I watched the episode before Captain America opened and I watched the one that essentially spoiled the movie a few days later. I had a spoiler free post about Captain America: The Winter Soldier all ready to go, when this week’s episode of S.H.I.E.L.D. spoiled it, so I threw it out and wrote this.

Captain America’s trailers months ago led all of us to believe that he was acting less like Captain America the superhero and more like Captain America, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Twinkie and the Hostess Revisited: The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever

Twinkies the Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever

Almost two years ago, I wrote a post titled “Twinkie and the Hostess” where I lamented the loss of the Twinkie. Well, two years later, the Twinkie is back from the dead and I feel it’s time to revisit how Twinkie’s resurrection took place. It’s quite the capitalistic underdog story dubbed, “The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever.”

The savior of the Twinkie is, the new owner and chief executive of new Hostess Brands, C. Dean Metropoulos. He’s done this before, turning struggling brands around, with Chef Boyardee and Bumble Bee tuna.

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The Beginning of the End for Physical Media?

On January, 18th, 2014, the Los Angeles Times Entertainment Section ran an article that was titled, “Paramount stops releasing major movies on film.” I’m very aware of the new technologies that exist – digital media players have made physical albums a thing of the past and streaming video services have made DVDs virtually obsolete – so the fact that Paramount is “the first big Hollywood studio to embrace digital-only U.S. releases” should come as a natural progression.

But I, for one, don’t really know how I feel about this. Sure, I consume music and watch movies and television shows through various streaming services, but I’m not ready to go completely digital.

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Small Oddities

Small Oddities: A Mascot, A Screenshot, A Seal and The Warden

This edition of small oddities takes us from the 70’s and 80’s right up through some more modern art. We have a Silhouette screenshot from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 Lord of the Rings, Cool Spot the 80’s mascot for 7 Up, a modern seal for Loki from Avengers and a very well done digital painting.

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