I recently watch the movie Killing Bono. It was a great movie. A little long at times but still a great piece of cinema, which isn’t something I’m used to saying. The premise is that which had me wondering how come a movie like this hasn’t been made before.
Declassify >Innovate, Innovate, Obliterate…
The article “Focus on past glory kept Kodak from digital win” which appeared on Reuters shortly after noon today had a line in it that was a bit jarring to me.
Not that it was untrue or shocking, just that it made me think, and what I thought of wasn’t pretty.
Declassify >Twinkie and the Hostess
Today while looking at my google news feed I saw a disturbing article. Not disturbing to me necessarily, but a grave concern to some people I know. So I clicked the link and read with horror the story of how hostess is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection again.
After I read the article I called my friend Jason Zapata Wordsmith and alerted him of this grave news.
Declassify >