Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet by Claire L. Evans

Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet by Claire L. Evans

“The history of technology that you probably know is one of men and machines, garages and riches, alpha nerds and brogrammers. But from the first computer programmer in the nineteenth century through the cyberpunk era of the 1990s, female visionaries have always been at the vanguard of tech and innovation. They’ve just been erased from the story—until now.”

In Claire L. Evans brilliant words “This book is about women,” but it also raises more questions about the marginalized and forgotten heroes of every revolution, not just the digital one that brought about the Internet.

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Chinese Democracy: In Both Defense and Explanation of Guns N’ Roses’ Musical Growth

Chinese Democracy Guns N' Roses 2008 Album

For rock fans in Generation X and in between GenX and Millenials (of which I fall into), it was a punchline.

Chinese Democracy was the album that was never ever going to be released, until one day in November 2008, the 23rd to be exact, there it was: The long awaited Guns N’ Roses album that no one ever thought would be heard by anyone other than the reclusive Axl Rose, who was behind the machinations of the delays and the album’s eventual release.

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Old School Magic

Old School Magic: Remembering Duelist Magazine

Old School Magic: Remembering Duelist Magazine

Remember Duelist the short-lived Wizards of the Coast magazine that was mainly focused on Magic: The Gathering? Yes, back in the day, I was a subscriber. And while the magazine ceases to exist, almost 20 years after it’s demise I feel it’s time to look back.

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Don’t Pass on MoviePass

Do Not Pass on MoviePass

MoviePass is currently a $9.95 per month movie ticket subscription service started by the co-founder of Netflix. Even though I consider myself a gadget guy, I am not the guy who will pay hundreds of dollars for the first-of-a-kind product like when CD players, Blu-ray players, or the Roomba debuted.

Even though I love Apple, I have never bought a first-generation Apple product. I tend to avoid new products unless they have amazing ratings from customers I know well or I have seen them in operation. Partially, I avoid these purchases because buying them is essentially gambling.

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