Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

I will always remember the laughter that Robin Williams brought into the world.

Robbin Williams as Sean Macguire in Good Will Hunting

There was a huge outpouring of emotion and public morning in the wake of the loss of Robin Williams. Of course, there is good reason for this. The man had over 100 acting credits to his name in a career spanning over four decades, which included everything for everyone, literally.

Children’s movies and cartoons, off-color comedies, thrillers, general comedies, dramas and more. If it existed, he went after it. I’m sure he turned down roles, but you’d never know it looking through his IMDb.

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Outstanding art, music of ‘Heavy Metal’ captured lightning in a bottle in 1981

Heavy Metal Movie Poster 1981

Heavy Metal was released on Aug. 7, 1981. It was produced on a meager $9.3 million budget, but grossed nearly $20 million dollars during it’s initial theatrical release. Twenty-five years later, after some music industry scuffles about song rights, the film was re-released, as “Louder and Nastier than Ever,” in theaters on March 8, 1996 and later that year was released on VHS and Laserdisc, which sold over a million units. Five years after that in 2011, it was released on Blu-ray.

The film follows closely to the magazine it shares its title with, in that it was a film made up of 10 stories, although only nine were released. The only differentiating factor between the movie and the magazine, is that the movie is tied together with the Loc-Nar, while the magazine stories are not tied together at all in any given issue.

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Attempting Normal by Marc Maron the Podcasting Philosophizer

Attempting Normal by Marc Maron

Marc Maron isn’t just a comedian and podcaster. He is a philosopher, as well. If you need proof of this beyond some of the profound things he says during his comedic sets and podcasts, look no further than his book Attempting Normal. He airs out his life, not like dirty laundry but much more like freshly laundered shirts on a warm spring day.

The stories are all personal to Marc: some are issues he may still be dealing with, but they aren’t written as if he’s airing dirty laundry. In fact, he spends time making sure the other side of the story is there as well.

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14 Movies I’m looking forward to in 2014 | What to Watch in the Next 12 Months

There are movies that you have to see on opening night, movies that you’ll rent, movies that you’ll see eventually and simply movies that you’d like to see. Below is the kind of list that contains all of those, but the one constant is that I want to see them all at some point.

I’ll be the first to admit that I usually don’t care to see 14 new movies in a given year, usually 6 or 7 tops, but this year I wrote them all down they totaled 14, what luck!?

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