Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

When ‘Captain America 3’ battles ‘Batman vs Superman,’ Everyone Wins!

When Captain America 3 battles Batman vs Superman Everyone Wins

It has been announced that “Captain America 3” will share its pre-planned release date May 6, 2016 with “Batman vs. Superman.” There is also a rumor floating around that the “Guardians of the Galaxy” sequel could fill that spot instead of “Captain America 3.” Either way, it seems destined that two big Hollywood comic book-based movies could release on the same day.

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What you should listen to: The Nerding Instinct Podcast

The Nerding Instinct Podcast

“The Nerding Instinct is about celebrating and unifying all facets of nerd and geek culture.” This is a bold statement for such a young podcast of only 14 episodes, as I write this.

I have listened to all of them and I have to say, I really like their concept. The podcast sounds very much like the conversations I used to hear when hanging out in my gaming store years ago.

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The Beginning of the End for Physical Media?

On January, 18th, 2014, the Los Angeles Times Entertainment Section ran an article that was titled, “Paramount stops releasing major movies on film.” I’m very aware of the new technologies that exist – digital media players have made physical albums a thing of the past and streaming video services have made DVDs virtually obsolete – so the fact that Paramount is “the first big Hollywood studio to embrace digital-only U.S. releases” should come as a natural progression.

But I, for one, don’t really know how I feel about this. Sure, I consume music and watch movies and television shows through various streaming services, but I’m not ready to go completely digital.

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The Year of Living Biblically: Insight into Religion from A.J. Jacobs (and Applied to Fandoms)

The Bible, consisting of both New and Old Testaments, in all it’s forms and versions is an extremely polarizing collection of words. In “The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible,” A.J. Jacobs catalogs his mental, physical and emotional journey through the waters of ancient and modern biblical literalism.

It’s hard to write about this book without giving away his conclusion, so I’m going to. But this book is much more about the journey than the destination in that regard.

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14 Movies I’m looking forward to in 2014 | What to Watch in the Next 12 Months

There are movies that you have to see on opening night, movies that you’ll rent, movies that you’ll see eventually and simply movies that you’d like to see. Below is the kind of list that contains all of those, but the one constant is that I want to see them all at some point.

I’ll be the first to admit that I usually don’t care to see 14 new movies in a given year, usually 6 or 7 tops, but this year I wrote them all down they totaled 14, what luck!?

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