Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Coupland’s “City of Glass” is the world’s best travel guide

City of Glass by Douglas Coupland

Every major city in the world has a talented writer. Every city in the world has a travel guide of some sort, but what City of Glass: Douglas Coupland’s Vancouver does is marry the talented writer with the travel guide glued together with a passion for one’s own hometown, to create not just a travel guide, but a glimpse into local life.

I read the 2006 Revised Edition, but originally published in 2000, this book is Vancouver’s ABCs, a local tourism perspective, the likes of which you’d need to find a very good local blogger to get from anywhere else.

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Spoiler Free Review

Life After God by Douglas Coupland

10 Quotes from Life After God by Douglas Coupland that are Reasons for you to Pick it Up

The back cover of Douglas Coupland’s Life After God is pretty hard to not use as a description of what the book is. “We are the first generation raised without God. We are creatures with strong religious impulses, yet they have nowhere to flow in this world of malls and TV, Kraft dinners and jets. How do we cope with loneliness? Anxiety? The collapse of relationships?

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