Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Anonymous needs to get smart. I think they literally punched their cause in the face!

Anonymous Logo

Do you know Anonymous? Their twitter description is “We are Anonymous, We are legion, We never forgive, We never forget, Expect us.” They’ve been attacking, a.k.a. digitally hacking, governments and other websites as part of their freedom fighting and digital Robin Hood act.

But Monday, one of their alleged members dropped the ball in a huge way.

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Mr. Zuckerberg I Salute you and your Hoodie

I don’t claim to know all there is about investing and investors and companies going public. I do, however, know a lot about business and supply and demand. And as for all of this hullabaloo around Marck Zuckerberg and his hoodie, I completely understand… But as for the news outlets that are just reporting the surface facts, they are completely missing the point.

Mark Zuckerberg, like him or not, created facebook.

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Innovate, Innovate, Obliterate…

The article “Focus on past glory kept Kodak from digital win” which appeared on Reuters shortly after noon today had a line in it that was a bit jarring to me.

Not that it was untrue or shocking, just that it made me think, and what I thought of wasn’t pretty.

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Twinkie and the Hostess

Hostess Twinkies

Today while looking at my google news feed I saw a disturbing article. Not disturbing to me necessarily, but a grave concern to some people I know. So I clicked the link and read with horror the story of how hostess is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection again.

After I read the article I called my friend Jason Zapata Wordsmith and alerted him of this grave news.

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