Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Clouds Over Cuba is an Amazing Documentary housed in a Brilliant Site

Clouds Over Cuba

Recently, I stumbled upon an amazing documentary housed in an equally brilliant site: Clouds Over Cuba which is hosted at It’s been around for a while and was produced by The Martin Agency.

The documentary is an “interactive multimedia documentary” of the Cuban Missile Crisis, narrated by Matthew Modine, conceptualized by The Martin Agency and created by Brian Williams, Wade Alger, Joe Alexander, and Ben Tricklebank on behalf of The JFK Presidential Library.

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Attempting Normal by Marc Maron the Podcasting Philosophizer

Attempting Normal by Marc Maron

Marc Maron isn’t just a comedian and podcaster. He is a philosopher, as well. If you need proof of this beyond some of the profound things he says during his comedic sets and podcasts, look no further than his book Attempting Normal. He airs out his life, not like dirty laundry but much more like freshly laundered shirts on a warm spring day.

The stories are all personal to Marc: some are issues he may still be dealing with, but they aren’t written as if he’s airing dirty laundry. In fact, he spends time making sure the other side of the story is there as well.

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Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective

Rotospective: Ralph Bakshi, Lessons in Artistry, Rebellion and Success

His influences were Bob Dylan, Jackson Pollack, Elvis Presley, Superman comic books, beatniks, jazz, Jack Kerouac, and the old school creators of cartooning and animation. This, coupled with the time periods he lived through, gave Ralph Bakshi the perfect storm of a foundation for his beliefs and the perfect medium to tell his stories.

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Defining “Inning”: A declassification of the word (Using Baseball terms in Football)

A Football Inning

Yesterday in the Ohio State v. Wisconsin football game, the head referee, in his explanation of overtime, described it as innings. It was one of the simplest and shortest explanations of overtime in college football I’ve ever witnessed.

We know that in college football’s overtime rules each team gets to play offense and defense at least once, so it is very easy to comprehend them as innings. But where does the word innings come from?

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