Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Encyclopedia Britannica: In Print No More

Encyclopedia Britannica In Print No More

This week, the news broke that Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be printing it’s massive volumes of knowledge, instead it will be an online resource. This is big news and a very frightening thing if I may say so, to some much more than others.

Since the 1900’s there have been 6 generations: the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and the currently named, and most recent generation, Generation Z.

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Football over Rhodes Scholarship… What would you do?

Patrick Witt Yale Quarterback rawpixel-792239-unsplash

Patrick Witt, the starting QB for Yale University has made his decision. He will play in “The Game” this weekend as Yale travels to Harvard. For Witt, a senior, this could be his equivalent of the Super Bowl. Ryan Fitzpatrick aside, most Ivy League quaterbacks don’t play in the NFL. They do however go on to successful careers, which has more to do with their Ivy league education than their on field football prowess.

Witt, whose application for a Rhodes Scholarship was accepted, decided not to go to the interview. Why?

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