Agent Palmer

Of all things Geek. I am…

Lessons from the On-Screen Romances of Action, Science Fiction and Fantasy Heroes

Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo Kiss

Romance is in every thread of media. It’s another motivation for beating the bad guy, but in many instances overcoming differences to be together is much greater than any enemy. Circumstances usually dictate that in order to be with the one you love, you must overcome great obstacles, some self-made and others environmental or circumstantial.

Below are 10 romances from movies and television shows of various genres. In their own way, they all conclude in happy endings, but in most cases, it’s not an easy road from falling in love to consummation.

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What you should listen to: The Nerding Instinct Podcast

The Nerding Instinct Podcast

“The Nerding Instinct is about celebrating and unifying all facets of nerd and geek culture.” This is a bold statement for such a young podcast of only 14 episodes, as I write this.

I have listened to all of them and I have to say, I really like their concept. The podcast sounds very much like the conversations I used to hear when hanging out in my gaming store years ago.

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Geek Space: Two Bakshi Walls

I have two walls in my home devoted to the animation of Ralph Bakshi, designated as my two “Bakshi Walls.” One is in my living room, which consists of three animation pencils from Wizards and the other is in my office, which has two actual animation cels from Wizards, so I guess you could call them my “Wizards” walls.

I’m going to share with you these walls, as they are two of my favorite Geek Spaces.

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14 Movies I’m looking forward to in 2014 | What to Watch in the Next 12 Months

There are movies that you have to see on opening night, movies that you’ll rent, movies that you’ll see eventually and simply movies that you’d like to see. Below is the kind of list that contains all of those, but the one constant is that I want to see them all at some point.

I’ll be the first to admit that I usually don’t care to see 14 new movies in a given year, usually 6 or 7 tops, but this year I wrote them all down they totaled 14, what luck!?

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