I am always amazed at the talent found on DeviantArt. The brushstrokes, a correctly placed pixel, the click of a camera at the right moment, the correct light, cartoon irony, serenity and humor. It’s all in my feed thanks, in no small part, to the talented artists and photographers that make up my watch-list.
Declassify >Small Oddities
Small Oddities: A Mascot, A Screenshot, A Seal and The Warden
This edition of small oddities takes us from the 70’s and 80’s right up through some more modern art. We have a Silhouette screenshot from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 Lord of the Rings, Cool Spot the 80’s mascot for 7 Up, a modern seal for Loki from Avengers and a very well done digital painting.
Declassify >Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective
Rotospective: Fire and Ice an Example for All to Hold onto Reality
In 1982 Ralph Bakshi and Frank Frazetta, two giants in the fantasy medium, collaborated on the film Fire and Ice. Once again Bakshi animated a film using the same rotoscope technology he had utilized in the past.
Declassify >A few Horror movies you should watch, even if you’ve already seen them!
With Halloween breathing down our necks, I’ve decided to give you a short list of some of my favorite horror movies. In the interest of full disclosure, I am using the classification of horror movie as defined by Rotten Tomatoes.
These are all movies I will watch and rewatch regardless of the time of year, but I wanted to share them with you.
Declassify >Ralph Bakshi: A Rotospective
Rotospective: Into Ralph Bakshi’s Cool World where we learn to “Be content with the cards you’ve been dealt.”
Welcome to the Cool World where the doodles live. Ralph Bakshi’s Cool World is a very weird place, but it gets weirder when a noid comes to visit.
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